We work with many serious endurance athletes. Many times we find that newer people to the sport, and sometimes veterans, have very poor nutritional strategies. Generally an endurance athlete with poor nutritional habits may get by with it until they start getting more miles in their training. Then injuries crop up and they don't get to the next level.
We can help provide science based information that will ensure you are not only training adequately but also hydrating and recovering adequately.
A common inadequacy is a lack of protein. Protein is required for muscle recovery and also for many metabolic processes. It is a common misconception that protein will "make you big" and that will slow you down. A lack of protein in your diet will cause injury at some point, especially with triathletes, marathoners and long distance athletes.
There are many tips and strategies we can provide. Why not come in for a free nutritional consultation and we can help you dial in your strategy. It doesn't cost anything and it can make the difference between having fun and enjoying your event or being miserable.
Some popular products to help with recovery and hydration.
Go to the "Max Muscle Products" tab for information on these products.
-ARM - very comprehensive recovery drink - post workout
-EnduroMax - hydration and energy before or during an event
-TriTOR - pre-workout to help energy and reduce lactic acid
-ProBCAA - branch chains and glutamine for muscle recovery
-CX3 - creatine, ribose, taurine, atp, blend for energy
-GlycoSyn - carbohydrate matrix for endurance
-Max Isolate - protein
-Glutamatrix - glutamine blend for muscle recovery
QC Nutrition Specialists
Duck Creek Plaza
By Home Depot
852 Middle Road
Bettendorf, IA 52722
phone 563-355-4444
QC Nutrition Specialists
Across from South Park Mall
Next to BEST BUY
4335 16th St.
Moline, IL 61265
phone 309-762-6666
HOURS 10AM-7PM Mon-Thurs / 10AM-5:30 Fri / 10AM-5PM Sat / CLOSED Sun